VOICE EDIT MODE / 3: Full Edit. 3-1: Oscillator
The five parameters provided here all affect how the AWM waveform assigned to
the voice is reproduced, thereby determining the basic sound of the voice.

Mode (Oscillator mode)

Range: fix, norm
Determines whether the selected wave is reproduced in the normal (variable
pitch) or fixed-pitch mode.
Normally you want the pitch of the AWM wave (or waves) used in a voice
to be controllable from a keyboard or other type of controller, in which case
the “norm” mode should be selected. In some cases — sound effects in particu-
lar — you might want the same pitch to be produced no matter what note you
play on the keyboard or other controller. In this case, the “fix” mode is appro-
priate. The Note parameter described below can be used to set the note pro-
duced when the “fix” mode is selected.

Fine (Fine tuning)

Range: -63 … 0 … +63
Allows fine tuning of the selected AWM wave. Each increment corresponds
to approximately 1.17 cents (a “cent” is 1/100th of a semitone) so the lowest
setting (-63) shifts the pitch down by almost three quarters of a semitone,
while the highest setting (+63) shifts the pitch up by the same amount.
A setting of “+0” produces standard concert pitch (A3 = 440 Hertz).
Please note that this parameter is used to individually tune the current
voice. Overall tuning control is provided by the master “Tune” parameter
available in the UTILITY mode.
Fine PndPt
NtSft Rvs
[PLAY MODE] -> VCE PLAY -> [EDIT/COMPARE] -> 3: Full Edit -> [ENTER] -> 3-1: Oscillator -> [ENTER]
-> [PAGE] -> 3-1-02: Parameter -> [ENTER]