2. Selecting And Playing Voices
Note that the voices are arranged in categories for easier access. The cat-egory of each voice is identified by a two-character prefix, as follows:
AP ...............Acoustic Piano
OR............... Organ
KY ...............Keyboard
BR............... Brass
BA............... Bass
GT ...............Guitar
FI................. Folk Instruments
WN ..............Wind
CH............... Chorus
TP................Tuned Percussion
SP ...............Synth Pad
SC ...............Synth Comp
SL................Sy nth Lead
ME............... Musical Effect
SE ...............Sound Effect
DR............... Drums
A more detailed voice list is provided in the appendix (page 303).
If you don’t get any sound at this point: Make sure your sound
system is turned ON and the volume is turned up to a
reasonable level, make sure that the TG500 VOLUME control is
turned up to a reasonable level, and check all connections