
1.Fill the fuel tank With ~ good ,grade of regular 9a.sollne. Do not mix oil with gasoline.

2.Plac~ m~chine on 9 level surface, Remove oil filler cap and fill cr~n~~s!'J'..""ith909(;j quality geterger'lt..oit. Above

32~F use :SAE .~O~;,~el~w 32°;:yse SAE l()W. Fill t6 over:

f.ll::i~i!iga:~d r~p.lace~ap;



3.b~rir:,g Irijti~(',': p~riO'q, ;W,e off lel/el should

be ch~ck~9 oftery. ~




Che£1<.Oil 'I$y:&1evef:Y five

{5Y,op~rat!n~ 'hours 9r eachtime,I'rI&(i"'jn~

i$ usl:id.





Shift the master, clut~h, C4h:t;rolto ,th'eneutral position.

Move the speed c::ontrQIl~ve1'to- 'fUI'1chok~ posi'tiQr1\Start

the engine by -pJllih9 tapidly 91'1~h~,r~cpil;starter rciee- A$

the engine ~t~rt~ ~1id'begins towariri up gradually teturn the c:ontroi lev,rt<i1hede;sir~~ tp~~~;po~ition,

If the engin~ shouJd-fa:il ~o ~t_~;:rff:er to your :engine

Instruct{()" Manual;



S~()P:the'~~Sin:em~\ie the:spee~ cpntrC1tJever t(> thestOI?

po~i~ion:.'YhQsparkplugwir~ mii~ alsobe rerno,vE!dto

prevent accid~ntal s:rartingwhile llnattended.



maSter clutch control is'\oc~red'-onthe handle panel assembly a~d is used to engage ,th~: f~rward and reverse

belt idlers. Move ,t~e clutch :con~r9Ifu~ward tP engagetheforward ,belt Idle/'"Pul1the"clutch~cir'ltr~1'h:ickto thecel:'ter

position: for neutral. Pull the c(uttthcontroj back and:hold


for reverse. Operat~ t!ie 'ciutcti,~ol1trQI several times'until

the neutral poslt!on'cal'jbe :~asjlydetermined for the cOf)~rol


should always be in this ;Pos1tion befo~estartil:'lg~,rygine.


Before tilling lock depth bar in vertical position, al,ds~$ke imosoil.

Adjust bar depth'to suit soil col:lditions, and depth of


When reversin9 for tr~nching, back filling or tine clea-n(ng,t.he

depth bar sho~ld be in the vertical !ock~d ppsj~jon, The release liiifldl~u:nfQCkS the depth :D13rfor transporting or reversing when required.


ST,AtT:I:NGO'TheTo £I'"10N

Page 5
Image 5
Yard-Man 5010-1, S030~1, 5020.1 manual BlfGR£stARTlHG£611, Depth 8AR