tor mixes through the headphones and the green LEDs indicate that the Solo feature is
active. The red Clip LED indicates clipping in the buss; reduce the Send level or the chan-
nel Mon 1 or 2 levels to avoid distortion.
3. EFX Send, Solo Controls and Clip LEDs
The EFX Send, Solo controls regulate the level of the EFX mix going to the EFX Send
jack and to the Internal Effects processor. The Solo Switch isolates the effects mix
through the headphones and the green LED indicates that the Solo feature is active.
The red Clip LED indicates clipping in the buss. Reduce the Send level or the channel
EFX level control to avoid distortion.
4. Aux Send, Solo Controls and Clip LEDs
The Aux Send, Solo controls regulate the level of the Aux mix going to the Aux Send jack.
The Solo Switch isolates the Aux mix through the headphones and the green LED indicates
that the Solo feature is active. The red Clip LED indicates clipping in the buss. Reduce the
Send level or the channel Aux level controls to avoid distortion.
5. Main Stereo EQ, Bass and Treble Controls
The Main EQ sliders provide +/-12 dB of bandpass gain regulation at 9 frequencies from
160Hz to 6.3 kHz while Bass and Treble provide +/-15dB of shelving throughout the over-
all low and high frequency ranges.
6. Solo Mode Switch and LEDs
By using the Solo Mode Switches, any channel in Solo mode is isolated on the
VU-Meter for referencing their audio levels. By depressing the main Solo Mode switch,
you choose PFL (pre-fade listen) to help setting the channel’s Gain control for an
average 0 dB reading. With the Switch down, you have after-fader listen mode to
help you check the channel’s overall signal level as regulated by its fader. With no
channel or other Solo switches depressed, the meter reads the Main signal levels.
7. Phones Level
The Phones level control is used to adjust the volume of the signal sent to the
Headphone jack.
8. Mono Out Section
The Mono Out section is used principally for remote control of subwoofer amplifiers,
the L&R Main signal is mixed down to mono and available at the Mono Out jack. The
Level control regulates output and the Sub Switch activates a 120 Hz low-pass filter
to facilitate no-crossover sub operation.
-15 +15
-15 +15
MAIN Stereo EQ
160 250 400 630 1.0K 1.6K 2.5K 4.0K 6.3K