Hexadecimal digits if an access point, router, or some adapters are not Zoom products

bIn the Key Length drop-down list, select 128 bits, 64 bits, or 256 bits.

Note: 128-bit and 256-bit WEP provide more security than 64-bit, but the longer keys could diminish network performance.

cIn the Key Index drop-down list, if you are using a 64-bit key, select which of four keys – 1, 2, 3, or 4 – will be used to encrypt the data. The key you select must be the same one that is selected on the access point. We recommend that you use Key 1.

128-bit and 256 bit WEP use just a single key.

dIn the Network Key text box, enter a key using the table below as a guide.

The key must be the same for all the devices on your network.

If you selected key

Enter exactly



Hexadecimal digits

58 Hexadecimal characters A–F, a–f

– 256 bits

and 0–9.

Hexadecimal digits

26 characters A–F, a–f and 0–9. For

– 128 bits




Hexadecimal digits

10 characters. The characters can

– 64 bits

be A-F, a-f, and 0-9. For example,





ASCII – 128-bits

13 characters. The characters can


be any upper- or lower-case letters


and numbers. For example:



ASCII – 64 bits

5 characters. The characters can be


any upper- or lower-case letters and


numbers. For example, MyKey.

3 Re-enter the key in the Confirm Network Key text box.

4 Click OK to save your settings and return to the Configuration tab.

5 On the Configuration tab, click Apply.

Chapter 2: Setting Security