Monitoring Link Status

The Status area on the Configuration tab displays information about your wireless connection:

State: In an Infrastructure network, the name and the MAC address of the wireless access point to which your computer is connected.

In an ad hoc network, the virtual MAC address used by computers in the network.

Current Channel: The Wi-Fi frequency channel.

Current Tx (Transmission) Rate: Highest transmission speed in Megabytes per second of the last received packet.

Throughput (Packets/sec): TX = number of packets transmitted per second without errors.

RX = number of packets received per second without errors.

Link Quality (Infrastructure only): The transmission quality of the last received packet.

80 – 100% = Excellent

60 – 80% = Good

40 – 60% = Fair

Under 40% = Poor or no connection

Signal Strength (Infrastructure only): The transmission signal strength of the last received packet, expressed as a percent of maximum allowable power. Note: you may be able to improve the signal strength by using the supplied extension cable to place the adapter in a more favorable location.

80 – 100% = Excellent

60 – 80% = Good

40 – 60% = Fair

Under 40% = Poor or no signal strength


Wireless-G USB Adapter