Other Applications
1.Press the Home Key >
> Alarm.
2.Tap the default alarm to configure it. Or, to create a new alarm, press the Menu Key > Add alarm.
3.Tap Turn on alarm and set up Name, Time, Repeat, Snooze, Duration, Vibrate, Ringtone, Volume, Volume crescendo, and Delay.
Docs To Go
A handy application suite that opens Word, Excel, Powerpoint, or PDF files.
Press the Home Key > > Docs To Go.
Read the
Note Pad
Note pad is for your memos.
Press the Home Key >
> Note pad.
Press the Menu Key to add or delete memos or to export the text to a txt file in the microSD memory card. Press and hold an existing note to edit, delete, share or export, or to change its title.
Press the Home Key > > Calculator.
TIP: Press the Menu Key > Advanced panel to use scientific calculation.
Task Manager
Press the Home Key > > Task Manager to view or stop applications.
Tap a task in the Task tab to switch to its screen, abort it, or see its detail. Tap Resource to view
1.Press the Home Key >
> Stopwatch.
2.Tap Start to start timing, Pause to pause time, and Resume to continue.
3.Reset will take the stopwatch back to 00:00.0.
For Your Safety
General Safety
Don’t make or receive handheld calls while driving. And never text while driving.
Keep your phone at least 15mm away from your ear or body while making calls.
Small parts may cause choking.
Your phone can produce a loud sound.
Keep away from pacemakers and other electronic medical devices.
Switch off when asked to in hospitals and medical facilities.
Switch off when told to in aircrafts and airports.
Switch off when near explosive materials or liquids.
Don’t rely on your phone for emergency communications.
Don’t use at gas stations.
Your phone may produce a bright or flashing light.
Don’t dispose of your phone in fire.
Avoid contact with anything magnetic.
Avoid extreme temperatures.
Avoid contact with liquids. Keep your phone dry.
Don’t take your phone apart.
Only use approved accessories.