ZyWALL 10~100 Series Internet Security Gateway

Chart 10-1 Firewall Commands




config display firewall attack

config display firewall e-mail

config display firewall ?


E-mailconfig edit firewall e-mail mail-server <ip address of mail server>

config edit firewall e-mail return-addr <e-mail address>

config edit firewall e-mail email-to <e-mail address>

config edit firewall e-mail policy <full hourly daily weekly>

config edit firewall e-mail day <sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday>

This command shows all of the attack response settings.

This command shows all of the e-mail settings.

This command shows all of the available firewall sub commands.

This command sets the IP address to which the e-mail messages are sent.

This command sets the source e-mail address of the firewall e-mails.

This command sets the e-mail address to which the firewall e-mails are sent.

This command sets how frequently the firewall log is sent via e-mail.

This command sets the day on which the current firewall log is sent through e-mail if the ZyWALL is set to send it on a weekly basis.


Firewall Commands