P-2002 Series User’s Guide

If you enter a parameter that is invalid in the Input column, the Prestige will not save the configuration and the command line will display the Field Identification Number. Figure 69 on page 134, shown next, is an example of what the Prestige displays if you enter a value other than “0” or “1” in the Input column of Field Identification Number 1000000 (refer to Figure 68 on page 133).

Figure 69 Invalid Parameter Entered: Command Line Example

field value is not legal error:-1

ROM-t is not saved, error Line ID:10000000 reboot to get the original configuration Bootbase Version: V2.02 2/22/2001 13:33:11 RAM: Size = 8192 Kbytes

FLASH: Intel 8M *2

The Prestige will display the following if you enter parameter(s) that are valid.

Figure 70 Valid Parameter Entered: Command Line Example

Please wait for the system to write SPT text file(ROM-t)...

Bootbase Version: V2.02 2/22/2001 13:33:11

RAM: Size = 8192 Kbytes

FLASH: Intel 8M *2

Internal SPTGEN FTP Download Example

1Launch your FTP application.

2Enter "bin". The command “bin” sets the transfer mode to binary.

3Get "rom-t" file. The command “get” transfers files from the Prestige to your computer. The name rom-t is the configuration filename on the Prestige.

4Edit the "rom-t" file using a text editor (do not use a word processor). You must leave this FTP screen to edit.


Appendix E