Prestige 662HW Series Compact Guide




Table 7 Rule Summary
















This is your firewall rule number. The ordering of your rules is important




as rules are applied in turn.




Click a rule’s number to go to the Firewall Edit Rule screen to configure




or edit a firewall rule.








This field displays whether a firewall is turned on (Y) or not (N).







Source IP

This drop-down list box displays the source addresses or ranges of




addresses to which this firewall rule applies. Please note that a blank




source or destination address is equivalent to Any.



Destination IP

This drop-down list box displays the destination addresses or ranges of




addresses to which this firewall rule applies. Please note that a blank




source or destination address is equivalent to Any.








This drop-down list box displays the services to which this firewall rule




applies. Please note that a blank service type is equivalent to Any. See




User’s Guide for more information.








This is the specified action for that rule, either Block or Forward. Note




that Block means the firewall silently discards the packet.




This field tells you whether a schedule is specified (Yes) or not (No).








This field shows you whether a log is created when packets match this




rule (Enabled) or not (Disable).








This field tells you whether this rule generates an alert (Yes) or not (No)




when the rule is matched.








Type the index number for where you want to put a rule. For example, if




you type “6”, your new rule becomes number 6 and the previous rule 6 (if




there is one) becomes rule 7.




Click Insert to add a new firewall rule before the specified index number.




Click Append to add a new firewall rule after the specified index number.








Type a rule’s index number and the number for where you want to put




that rule. Click Move to move the rule to the number that you typed. The




ordering of your rules is important as they are applied in order of their












Click Back to return to the previous screen.