ZyAIR B-3000

2.1 Set Up Your Computer’s IP Address

This section shows you how to assign your computer a static IP address in the to range with a subnet mask of This ensures that your computer can communicate with your ZyAIR. The following instructions are for the Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows XP operating systems.

1In Windows XP, click Start, Control Panel.

In Windows 2000/NT, click Start, Settings, Control Panel.

2In Windows XP, click Network Connections.

In Windows 2000/NT, click Network and Dial-up Connections.

3Right-click Local Area Connection and then click Properties.

4Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (under the General tab in Windows XP) and click Properties.

5The Internet Protocol TCP/IP Properties screen opens (the General tab in Windows XP).

6Select Use the following IP address and fill in the IP address (choose one from192.168.1.3 to, Subnet mask (, and Default gateway ( fields.

7Click OK to close the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.

8Click Close (OK in Windows 2000/NT) to close the Local Area Connection Properties window.

Close the Network Connections screen.