Rubbermaid 5L20 instruction manual

Page 14


Ensure Repeat Roof (M) is positioned against the back wall tongues.

AA (8)

From outside the shed, install one Screw (AA) at each corner.


Hold the edge of the roof down firmly at the corners while installing each screw.



Install remaining screws into remaining locations of back walls.



Helpful Hint: Installation is easier using a magnetic bit or starting screws with a manual screwdriver to get seated. Pilot holes also may be drilled using 1/8" bit.



d. From inside the shed, install four Screws (AA) into the roof, two on each side wall.

Note: The screws also have to go through the Roof Brace (RB) at each end to properly secure the roof!

A second person on the outside of the shed should hold down the edge of the roof firmly at each screw location.

AA (4)



Image 14 Rubbermaid 5L20 instruction manual
Contents 5L20 5L20 Site Preparation Care & USEFloor Installation Repeat Floor BWall Panel C Installation Wall Panel D Installation a Wall Panel E Installation Wall Panel F Installation 3E Views Wall Panel G Installation Wall Panel H Installation a At location indicated by screw target Roof Panel M back position Installation Page Roof Panel J front position & Door Installation Insert pin in slot Finishing Installation Door Finishing InstallationMaintenance & Safety