Practice Turning Around a Corner | Practice Turning In Place |
While traveling forward bring one handle gradually back toward neutral. Repeat several times.
NOTE: To prevent pivoting directly on the tire tread, it is best to keep both wheels going at least slightly forward.
To turn in place, “Zero Turn,” gradually move one ground speed control lever forward from neutral and one lever back from neutral simultaneously. Repeat several times.
NOTE: Changing the amount each lever is pulled— forward or back, changes the “pivot point” you turn on.
Figure 6. Turning Around a Corner
Turning |
Figure 7. Turning in Place
Executing an End-Of-Row Zero
Your Zero Turn Rider’s unique ability to turn in place allows you to turn around at the end of a cutting row rather than having to stop and
For example, to execute a left
1. Slow down at the end of the row.
2.Move the RIGHT ground speed control lever forward slightly while moving the LEFT ground speed control lever back to
center and then slightly back from center.
3. Begin mowing forward again.
This technique turns the rider LEFT and slightly overlaps the row just cut
As you become more familiar and experienced with operating the Zero Turn rider, you will learn more maneuvers that will make your mowing time easier and more enjoyable.
Remember, the more you practice, the
better your control of the Zero Turn willFigure 8. Executing an