•Serial port: connect the HC to a Computer via a RS232 to
Figure 19. Serial port pin out on an 8407 hand controller
3.2. The LCD Screen
The 8407 HC has a large
Target Name
Target Right Ascension
Target Declination
Right Ascension
Local Date and Time
Mount Status
GPS Status
PEC Status
Tracking Speed
Slew Speed
N/S Hemisphere
Figure 20. 8407 HC LCD Information Screen
1.Target Name/Mount Position: displays the name of the target that telescope is currently pointed to or the current mount position.
•Zero Position: The position when the mount is turned on. Or the mount is moved to Zero Position using “To Zero Position” command;
•User Position: The mount is point to a user defined position, which could be a real sky object or just simply due to press an arrow key.
•An object name, such as “Mercury” or “Andromeda Galaxy”: Name of the Star or celestial object that the mount is currently slewing to, GOTO or tracking;
•Park Position: One of two position that you park the scope using “Park Scope” command.
2.Target R.A.: Right Ascension of the target object.
3.Target Declination: Declination of the target object.
4.Right Ascension: Right Ascension of the telescope, or R.A.
5.Declination: Declination of the telescope, or DEC.
6.Altitude: Altitude of the telescope (degrees vertical from the local horizon - zenith is 90º).
7.Azimuth: Azimuth of the telescope (north is 0º, east 90º, south 180º, and west 270º).