Celestron 91525, 11055, 11065 instruction manual Motion of the Stars

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Motion of the Stars

The daily motion of the Sun across the sky is familiar to even the most casual observer. This daily trek is not the Sun moving as early astronomers thought, but the result of the Earth’s rotation. The Earth’s rotation also causes the stars to do the same, scribing out a large circle as the Earth completes one rotation. The size of that circular path a star follows depends on where it is in the sky. Stars near the celestial equator form the largest circles rising in the east and setting in the west. Moving toward the north celestial pole, the point around which the stars in the northern hemisphere appear to rotate, these circles become smaller. Stars in the mid-celestial latitudes rise in the north- east and set in the northwest. Stars at high celestial latitudes are always above the horizon, and are said to be circumpolar because they never rise and never set. You will never see the stars complete one circle because the sunlight during the day washes out the starlight. However, part of this circular motion of stars in this region of the sky can be seen by setting up a camera on a tripod and opening the shutter for a couple hours. The processed film will reveal semicircles that revolve around the pole. (This description of stellar motion also applies to the southern hemisphere except all stars south of the celestial equator move around the south celestial pole.)

Figure 4-2

All stars appear to rotate around the celestial poles. However, the appearance of this motion varies depending on where you are looking in the sky. Near the north celestial pole the stars scribe out recognizable circles centered on the pole (1). Stars near the celestial equator also follow circular paths around the pole. But, the complete path is interrupted by the horizon. These appear to rise in the east and set in the west (2). Looking toward the opposite pole, stars curve or arc in the opposite direction scribing a circle around the opposite pole (3).

Astronomy Basics • 29

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Contents Page E C e l e s t r o n C M- 11 00/1400 B L E O F C O N T E N T S Iv Table of Contents T R O D U C T I O N How to Use This Manual Word of Caution Schmidt-Cassegrain Optical System Unpacking Your Celestron CM-1100 S E M B L I N G Y O U R C M 1 1 0CM-1100 Setting Up the Tripod Central Column Electronics Console Center Leg Brace Attaching the Center Leg Brace Attaching the Central ColumnAttaching the Equatorial Mount Installing Counterweight Installing Counterweight BarAttaching the Optical Tube to the Mount Attaching the Visual Back Installing the Star Diagonal Assembling Your CM-1100 Installing the Finder Installing the Polar Finder Moving the Telescope in R.A. and DEC Adjusting the Mount Balancing the Mount in R.A Balancing the Mount in DEC Assembling Your CM-1100 Technical Specifications Tripod Image Orientation L E S C O P E B a S I C SFocusing General Photography Hints Aligning the Finder Daytime Observing Your First LookNighttime Observing Calculating Magnification Determining Field of View Celestial Coordinate System T R O N O M Y B a S I C SMotion of the Stars Definition Polar AlignmentFinding the Pole Latitude Scales Pointing at Polaris Polar Axis Finder Declination Drift Aligning the R.A. Setting Circle Setting the DEC Circle I N G T H E D R I V E Powering Up the DriveGuide Speed BC Backlash Correction Periodic Error Correc- tionHC/CCD Hand Controller Northern/Southern Hemisphere OperationAutoguiding DEC ReverseObserving the Moon L E S T I a L O B S E R V I N GObserving the Sun Observing Deep-Sky Objects Using Your Setting CirclesStar Hopping Celestial Observing Transparency Viewing ConditionsSky Illumination Seeing ConditionsCelestial Observing L E S T I a L P H O T O G R a P H Y Lunar Phase ISO Crescent Quarter Short Exposure Prime FocusFull Celestial Photography Piggyback Celestial Photography Eyepiece Projection Planet ISO Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Long Exposure Prime Focus Celestial Photography CCD Imaging Description of F-numbers Fastar ConfigurationImaging at f/7 Imaging at f/11 Medium size to small galaxiesLunar or small planetary nebulae Planetary or Lunar Imaging at f/22L E S C O P E M a I N T E N a N C E Care and Cleaning of the Optics CollimationTelescope Maintenance Telescope Maintenance T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S Optional Accessories Optional Accessories Optional Accessories Mag Type Proper Name ConstNGC# Spiral Galaxy Magnitude Epoch Star Name ConstellationAtlases Astronomy TextsGeneral Observational Astronomy Visual ObservationCelestron ONE Year Warranty