Appendix A
A-1 Flashing the BIOS
Do NOT flash the system BIOS unless it is really necessary.
Updating and flashing the BIOS content risks BIOS data corruption which may cause system unable to
Download the xxxxx.EXE file corresponding to your model from our website to an empty directory on your hard disk or floppy. Run the downloaded xxxxx.EXE file and it will self extract. Copy these extracted files to a bootable floppy disk.
Note: The floppy disk should contain NO device drivers or other programs.
1.Type “A:\AWDFLASH and press <Enter> Key.
2.You will see the following setup screen.
3.Please key in the xxxxx.bin BIOS file name.
4.If you want to save the previous BIOS data to the diskette, please key in [Y], otherwise please key in [N].