Intel 8 LAN manual ICH8-NVMInformation Guide, Disable Protocol Select

Page 21
Disable Protocol Select.

ICH8—NVM Information Guide









Disable Protocol Select.



If set to 1b, no changes to the boot protocol is allowed.



The default for this bit is 0b; allow changes to the boot protocol.






Disable Title Message.



If set to 1b, the title message displaying the version of the boot agent



is suppressed; the Control-S message is also suppressed. This is for



OEMs who do not want the boot agent to display any messages at



system boot.



The default for this bit is 0b; allow the title message that displays the



version of the boot agent and the Control-S message.






Disable Setup Menu.



If set to 1b, no invoking the setup menu by pressing Control-S is



allowed. In this case, the EEPROM can only be changed via an external






The default for this bit is 0b; allow invoking the setup menu by



pressing Control-S.
 Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 32h)

Word 32h is used to store the version of the boot agent that is stored in the Flash image. When the Boot Agent loads, it can check this value to determine if any first-time configuration needs to be performed. The agent then updates this word with its version. Some diagnostic tools to report the version of the Boot Agent in the Flash also read this word. This word is only valid if the PPB is set to 0b. Otherwise the contents might be undefined.

Table 20. Boot Agent Configuration Customization Options (Word 32h)









PXE boot agent major version. The default for these bits is 0001b.






PXE boot agent minor version. The default for these bits is 0010b.






PXE boot agent build number. The default for these bits is 00101000b





Image 21
Contents 316234-006Revision JanuaryIntel Corporation P.O. Box 5937 Denver, CO Tables ContentsRevision History 1.2NVM Programming Procedure Overview 1.0Non-VolatileMemory NVM1.1Introduction Figure 1. LAN NVM Regions BIOS Region ME Region GbE Region Flash DescriptorRegion 1.3EEUPDATE Utility 1.3.1Command Line ParametersExample 1. EEUPDATE /D file1.eep Table 1. LAN NVM Address Map 1.4LAN NVM Format and Contents1.4.1Ethernet Individual Address Words 00h - 02h 1.4.2Reserved Word 03hReserved Word 03h 1.4.4Image Version Information Word 05h 1.4.3Reserved Word 04h1.4.5Reserved Word 06h 1.4.6Reserved Word 07h1.4.9Subsystem ID Word 0Bh 1.4.8PCI Initialization Control Word 0Ah1.4.10Subsystem Vendor ID Word 0Ch PCI Initialization Control Word Word 0AhLAN Power Consumption Word 10h 1.4.14LAN Power Consumption Word 10h1.4.11Device ID Word 0Dh 1.4.12Vendor ID Word 0EhShared Initialization Control Word 13h 1.4.15Shared Initialization Control Word 13h1.4.17Extended Configuration Word 2 Word 15h 1.4.16Extended Configuration Word 1 Word 14h1.4.18Extended Configuration Word 3 Word 16h Extended Configuration Word 1 Word 14hLED 1 Configuration and Power Management Word 17h LED Modes 1.4.20LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults Word 18h1.4.21 LED 0 and 2 Configuration Defaults Word 18hFuture Initialization Word 1 Words 19h Agent Main Setup Options Word 30h Table 18. Boot Agent Main Setup Options1.4.23PXE Words Words 30h - 3Eh prompt message appears, if enabled by DIM NVM Information Guide-ICH8 Disable Protocol Select 1.4.24Checksum Word 3Fh Capabilities Word 33hTable 21. IBA Capabilities LAN NVM Contents Appendix A ICH8 NVM Contents and Sample ImagesA.1 82566DM NVM Image with ICH8 A.2 82566MM NVM Image with ICH8M A.3 82566MC NVM Image with ICH8 A.4 82562V NVM Image with ICH8 Note This page intentionally left blank