3.. Using the Live Mode
3.4 Passcode connection (continued)
n A Network Configuration Conflict exists.
The message comes up when the network connection mode you set in the PC does not match with the mode of the projector.
Please verify your network configuration setting on the projector and PC.
Click [Exit], then the “Live Viewer 3” main menu is displayed even though the network is not established. Click on the main menu to go back to the item 3.3.3 Connecting to the network. (&31)
n Are you sure you want to connect the selected projector?
The message is appeared when the wireless adapter you selected is already used for another network connection.
•To connect, click [Yes]. Proceed to the
3.6 Confirm the connection to your destination. (50)
•Not to connect, click [No] then the “Live Viewer 3” main menu is displayed even though the network is not established. Click
on the main menu to go back to the item 3.3.3 Connecting to the network. (&31)