About this Manual
Overview of Contents
This manual is intended for the users who install and configure the
This manual describes the structure, appearance, functions, technical specifications, precautions, and installation procedure of the
This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendix.
zChapter 1, Introduction, on page 13
zChapter 2, Hardware Preparation and Installation, on page 17
zChapter 3, Controls, LEDs and Connectors, on page 37
zChapter 4, Functional Description, on page 47
zAppendix A, Related Documentation, on page 51
This document uses the following abbreviations:
| Abbreviation | Definition |
| ACA | Australian Communications Authority |
| BIOS | Basic Input Output System |
| BMC | Baseboard Management Controller |
| CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
| CPU | Central Processing Unit |
| DC | Direct Current |
| DIMM | Dual Inline Memory Module |
| ECC | Error Checking and Correcting |
| EIA | Electronics Industries Association |
| EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility |
| ESD |
| |
| FBD | Fully Buffer DIMM |
| FC | Fiber Channel |
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