Agilent Technologies Programming via the 82357B, Program the Gpib instruments optional

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82357B USB/GPIB Interface

6. Programming via the 82357B

6. Programming via the 82357B

Use the Agilent Interactive IO to communicate with the GPIB instruments

After the 82357B has been configured and connected to the GPIB instruments, you can use the Interactive IO to establish communication between your PC and the connected GPIB instruments. To run the Interactive IO for an IEEE-488.2 compli- ant instrument, perform the following:

1Right click the instrument's icon in the Connection Expert window.

2Click Send Command to display the Interactive IO.

3With the default command *IDN? displayed in the text box, click Send & Read.

4The instrument identification string should appear.

5Repeat step 1 to step 3 for the next instrument.

Program the GPIB instruments (optional)

After communication has been established, you can program your GPIB instruments using the VISA, VISA COM, or SICL interfaces. See “Other References" on page 9 later in this guide for the relevant documentation.


82357B Quick Start Guide

Image 13
Contents USB/GPIB Manual Part Number Relevant European Legal Directives Safety Symbols Regulatory MarkingsAdditional Safety Information Table of Contents Introduction Check your shipment items Before You Install the 82357BCheck your PC operating system Install the IO Libraries Suite Installing Agilent IO Libraries SuiteInsert the Automation-Ready CD Upgrading your IO Libraries version Look for circled IO iconPlug the 82357B into a USB Port Connecting the 82357BObserve the 82357B LEDs Configure the 82357B Configuring the 82357BObserve the Agilent Connection Expert Connect the 82357B to Gpib instruments Connecting Gpib InstrumentsProgram the Gpib instruments optional Programming via the 82357BRelated documentation Other ReferencesContacting Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB Interface Contact us