P73074/F1U119/AM/man.qxd 4/19/00 4:25 PM Page 24
Addendum: Disabling
Communication for HP Printer (continued)
Special Instructions for advanced users (only if you are still having problems printing):
1.“Printer Port Set to ECP” or to “Printer Port in Device Manager”
• Boot Windows® 95/98 and right click on “My Computer” icon
• Select “Properties”
• Select “Device Manager” tab
•Select “Driver” tab
•Select “Change Driver”
•Select “Show all devices”
•Under “Models:” Select “Printer port,” then click “OK”
•Click “OK” again
•Shut down Windows® 95/98 and Reboot
2.Port Resource Settings Incorrect (e.g. Compaq PCs)
• Right click on “My Computer”
• Select “Properties”
• Select “Device Manager” tab
• Select “Resources” tab
•Change “Basic Configuration,” find the configuration that meets the following conditions:
•The settings need to be set for: Input/Output Range
•Interrupt Request 07
•Select “OK”
•Shut down Windows® 95/98 and Reboot