IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Nortel CNM manual JBFA/SOM1

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Contents Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Nortel CNM Reference GuidePage Contents Iv Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Nortel CNM Reference Guide Document control Document Publication Comments Version DateVi Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Nortel CNM Reference Guide Probe for Nortel CNM Summary SummaryBasic configuration Installation requirementsSupported platforms Updating the rules fileConnecting to the Corba interface Data acquisitionTimeout Status checkingRetrieving objects Running multiple probesFiltering notifications and alarms Element TokenCommand line interface Command DescriptionSame format as the AlarmFilter Notifications and alarms onAllows you to unacknowledge an alarm Allows you to clear an alarm in the 3GPP2 interfaceExample property file settings for peer-to-peer failover Peer-to-Peer failover functionalityExample multi-byte character set configuration on Solaris Internationalization supportProperties and command line options Property name Command line option DescriptionUsing the Command Line Interface CLI Information on CLI, see Command lineDefault is 32.363 Default is 32.303Password required with the Username Using the ncogcrypt utility. ForHe default is false TimeoutTime in minutes that the Notificiation IRP Session remains open to connections. ThisIs used by the 3GPP server Forever openElements Element name Element descriptionDynamically and its content is dependent on the IRP Cause of the alarmName of the user who uses the service Name of the service providerError messages Error Description ActionThere is a problem with Refer to your Corba Corba interface DocumentationProbe cannot connect to Check that the Nortel CNM Server Server is running correctlyAlarm this is probably because Server is running correctly Alarm is not in a format that Probe can understandTimeout property has not Check the value for the Timeout AlarmIRP object usingProbe found a problem Check the values set for While connecting toThere was a problem with Check that the Nortel CNM Probe has failed to take Check the value forProbeWatch messages ProbeWatch message Description Triggers/causesProbe could not login to Incorrect username Password given in the propertiesListen for commands Probe has failed to get AlarmirpFile propertyProbe could not get new Probe failed to get the alarm Unexpected fatal errorCommands on the specified Receive commands Probe encountered an Contact the IBM supportNetcool/OMNIbus Probe for Nortel CNM Reference Guide Appendix A. Notices JBFA/SOM1 Trademarks AIX AIX 5LNetcool/OMNIbus Probe for Nortel CNM Reference Guide