Supported platforms
For details of the versions of cool_OMNIbus.doc/Supported_Platforms.htm
Basic configuration
This section describes the basic configuration requirements for the Probe for Nortel CNM.
Installation requirements
Before running the probe, you must install the JDK 1.5 runtime libraries and the following IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus patches in the following order:
Note: These patches (except the VisiBroker patch) are available from the IBM Support Site. To obtain the VisiBroker patch, you must contact IBM Support.
Updating the rules file
The Probe for Nortel CNM is supplied with a lookup table (Corba_3gpp2_
R6C1.lookup). This file is installed in the following location:
This file is referenced in the rules file by the following command:
include "/opt/netcool/probes/includes/Corba_3gpp2_R6C1.lookup"
If the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus installation directory is different from /opt/netcool/, you must update the rules file include statement accordingly.
Note: $OMNIHOME cannot be used in the paths to the lookup files; you must enter the full path to the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus installation directory.
Probe for Nortel CNM 3