IBM PC 300GL manual Appendix E. Notices and Trademarks, Ibm

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Appendix E. Notices and Trademarks

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The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:

Alert on LAN



Wake on LAN

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000


Image 64
Contents HcchM mlmiM mlni hcc mlml HcchM mlmiM mlni hcc mlml Second Edition March Contents Page Preface Related publicationsTerminology Features System OverviewCD-RW Wake on LAN Adsl modemsWake on Ring PC 300 GL and 300 PL System board features Intel Pentium III microprocessor with MMX technologyL2 Cache Chip set controlTable . Memory Configuration MB Total Memory Mem O IDE bus master interface PCI BusUSB interface Video Subsystem Video subsystem resources Resource Assignment ROMRAM IRQAudio Subsystem Diskette Drive Interface Integrated peripheral controllerSerial ports Parallel port Keyboard and mouse portsNetwork connection Real-time clock and CmosFlash Eeprom Expansion adaptersPhysical layout Rocker switches ÝdimmLarge rocker switch settings Microprocessor Speed Connector panel Cable connectorsSmall rocker switch settings Function 18 PC 300 GL and 300 PL USB 20 PC 300 GL and 300 PL Physical specifications PC 300 GL and PL desktopPC300 PL and GL tower Heat outputAirflow Acoustical noise-emission valuesPhysical specifications 24 PC 300 GL and 300 PL Power supply Power inputPower output Power input requirements Specification MeasurementsComponent outputs System board Supply voltage Maximum current ToleranceKeyboard port Supply voltage Maximum current Tolerance USB port Supply voltage Maximum current ToleranceOutput protection Connector descriptionVideo port pin Supply voltage Maximum current Tolerance 28 PC 300 GL and 300 PL System software Plug and PlayConfiguration/Setup Utility program Advanced Power Management APMAdvanced Configuration and Power Interface Acpi Flash update utility programHardware compatibility System compatibilityHardware interrupts Software interrupts Software compatibilityMachine-sensitive programs Appendix A. Connector pin assignments Svga monitor connectorSvga monitor port connector pin assignments Pin Signal DDC2BDVI-I monitor connector System memory connectorVSS DQ0 DQ1DQ2 DQ3BA0 BA1 CK1 CK0CKE0 DQMB2System memory connector pin input/output Pin Signal name GND VDD WE#CAS# DQMB0# DQMB4# DQMB1#Vref GND CK2SA0 SDA SA0 VDDPCI connectors PCI connector pin assignments Pin SignalFRAME# IRDY#TRDY# DEVSEL#IDE connectors IDE connector pin assignments Pin SignalDiskette drive connector Diskette drive connector pin assignments Pin SignalMSEN0 MSEN1Wake on LAN connectors Power supply connectorUSB port connectors Mouse and keyboard port connectors Serial port connectorMouse port connector pin assignments Pin Signal Keyboard port connector pin assignments Pin SignalParallel port connector Parallel port connector pin assignments Pin SignalSystem memory map Appendix B. System address mapsFFFE0000-FFFFFFFF O address map Address hex Size Description Input/output address mapLPT3 COM2 LPT2LPT1 COM1DMA I/O address map PCI configuration space map 52 PC 300 GL and 300 PL IRQ channel assignments Appendix C. IRQ and DMA channel assignmentsSystem resource DMA channel assignments Data width System resource Post error codes Appendix D. Error codesBeep codes 56 PC 300 GL and 300 PL Appendix E. Notices and Trademarks IBM58 PC 300 GL and 300 PL Bibliography 60 PC 300 GL and 300 PL Index PCIUart