(GY27-0366) April 3, 2003
T7161 Fiscal unit failure
Explanation: A problem is detected in the fiscal memory.
User Response: Switch POWER OFF and service the fiscal printer.
T9501 Length of input incorrect. Re-enter.
Explanation: A date or closure number that was entered for the dump is not valid.
User Response:
T9502 Invalid password
Explanation: The password that was entered is not valid.
User Response:
T9503 No data available
Explanation: There is no dump data available for the dump request you entered.
User Response:
T9504 Display error - OR - T9504 Display configuration error
1.A problem is detected in the
2.A problem is detected in the configuration for the
combination of:
vOperator display
vShopper display
User Response:
1.Check that two of the correct displays are configured.
2.See Set Display Address as Configured.
3.Run diagnostics on the displays.
T9505 Print in process. Please wait.
Explanation: The printer is currently printing a dump request.
User Response:
T9506 Enter lower closure number: NNNN
User Response: Enter the lower closure number of the dump range.
T9507 Enter upper closure number: NNNN
User Response: Enter the upper closure number of the dump range.
T9509 Enter start day and month: DDMM
User Response: Enter the start day and month of the dump range.
T9510 Enter end day and month: DDMM
User Response: Enter the end day and month of the dump range.
184610 - Kxx Fiscal Printer Service Supplement