Compliance Statements |
| Important Notes | VLAN Configuring Management VLAN Configuration Page
Selection Criteria
Management VLAN Name - You can use this screen to reconfigure an existing Management VLAN, or to create a new one. Use this pull down menu to select one of the existing Management VLANs, or select 'Create' to add a new one.
Configurable Data
Management VLAN Name – Specify the Management VLAN Name for the new Management VLAN. Management VLAN Name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters, including blanks. It always has a name of 'Management'.
Managemt VLAN ID - Specify the Management VLAN Identifier for the new Management VLAN. (You can only enter data in this field when you are creating a new Management VLAN.) The range of the VLAN ID is (1 to 4094).
Participation - Use this field to specify whether a interface will participate in this Management VLAN. The factory default is 'Exclude'. The possible values are:
zInclude – This interface is the member of the Management VLAN.
zExclude - This interface is never a member of this Management VLAN.
Non-Configurable Data
Slot/Port - Indicates the interface.
Type – The interface type. Type could be Internal or External.
Status - Indicates the current value of the participation parameter for the interface.
Command Buttons
Submit - Update the IBP with the values on this screen. If you want the IBP to retain the new values across a power cycle, you must perform a save.
Delete - Delete this Management VLAN. You are not allowed to delete the default Management VLAN. (The name of the default Management VLAN is “Management” and with the VLAN ID 4094.)