IBM A22 manual Processing date data, References to the Web site addresses

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This publication was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.

IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

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Processing date data

This IBM hardware product and IBM software products that might be packaged with it have been designed, when used in accordance with their associated documentation, to process date data correctly within and between the 20th and 21st centuries, provided all other products (for example, software, hardware, and firmware) used with these products properly exchange accurate date data with them.

IBM cannot take responsibility for the date data processing capabilities of non-IBM products, even if those products are preinstalled or otherwise distributed by IBM. You should contact the vendors responsible for those products directly to determine the capabilities of their products and update them if needed. This IBM hardware product cannot prevent errors that might occur if software, upgrades, or peripheral devices you use or exchange data with do not process date data correctly.

The foregoing is a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure.

References to the Web site addresses

Any references in this publication to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those

Appendix B. Warranty Statement 59

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Contents ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Page ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Page Finding information with Access ThinkPad Iv ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Finding information with Access ThinkPad Vi ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Contents Viii ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Overview of your new ThinkPad computer Your ThinkPad at a glance Features External interface Diskette driveSize SpecificationsEnvironment Heat outputElectrical ac adapter Lithium-ion battery packCaring for your ThinkPad computer Important tips Be careful about where and how you workBe gentle with your computer Carry your computer properlyTake care in setting passwords Handle storage media and drives properlyOther important tips Cleaning your computer Caring for your ThinkPad computer Solving computer problems Click PC-Doctor for Windows Diagnosing problemsError messages TroubleshootingSolving computer problems Solving computer problems Errors without messages Power switch problem Password problemsKeyboard problems TrackPoint problems Standby or hibernation problems For Windows For Windows NTSelect Intel EtherExpress PRO Adapter, and click Startup Clear the Auto insert notification check box Click the Device Manager tabClick the Enable hibernation... button Click Power ManagementFor Windows 98 Computer screen problemsClick Advanced Click Display TypeBattery problems Hard disk drive problems Other problems Starting Bios Setup Utility Recover pre-installed software Solving computer problems To use the Recovery Repair diskette To create a Recovery Repair disketteHandling a hard disk drive Upgrading the hard disk driveUpgrading the hard disk drive Replacing the battery Getting help and service from IBM Getting help on the Web Getting help and serviceCalling IBM Getting help by faxCountry or region Language Telephone Number Telephone numbersGetting help and service Getting help and service Appendix A. Important safety instructions ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Modem safety information Laser compliance statement Appendix A. Important safety instructions ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide IBM Statement of Limited Warranty Part 1 General Terms Warranty PeriodIBM Warranty for Machines Warranty Service Limitation of Liability Governing Law Part 2 Country-unique TermsCAMBODIA, LAOS, and Vietnam Hong Kong and Macau Following Terms Apply to ALL Emea Countries Warranty ServiceFollowing Terms Apply to the Country Specified Governing LawEgypt Italy Following item is added to this paragraph References to the Web site addresses Processing date dataFederal Communications Commission FCC Statement Electronic emission noticesEuropean Community Directive Conformance Statement Telecommunication noticesFax Branding Avis Industry Canada requirementsAvertissement Appendix B. Warranty Statement ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Trademarks ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Index ThinkPad A22 Service and Troubleshooting Guide Page Part Number 27P2172