Thank you for purchasing a high resolution monitor. It will give you high resolution performance and convenient reliable operation in a variety of video operating modes.
■The monitor is a 17 inches (15.9 inches viewable ) intelligent, microprocessor based monitor compatible with most analog RGB (Red, Green, Blue) display standards, including IBM PC® , PS/2® , Centris® , Quadra® .
■The monitor provides crisp text and vivid color graphics with VGA, SVGA, XGA, and VESA Ergo modes
■Digitally controlled
■The monitor has 20 memory locations for display modes, 10 of which are factory preset to popular video modes.
■This monitor is capable of producing a maximum horizontal resolution of 1280 dots and a maximum vertical resolution of 1024 lines. It is well suited for CAD work and sophisticated windowing environments.
■For greater user health and safety, this monitor complies with the stringent Swedish MPR II requirements for low radiation emissions.
■For low cost of monitor operation, this monitor is certified as meeting the EPA Energy Star requirements, and utilizes the VESA Display Power Management Signalling (DPMS) protocol for power saving during