Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S important safety instructions Statement 322-DC Power Off Warning

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Translated Safety Warnings

Statement 322—DC Power Off Warning

Warning Before performing any of the following procedures, ensure that power is removed from the DC circuits. To ensure that all power is removed, locate the circuit breakers or fuses on the DC power lines that service the DC circuits. Turn OFF the DC power line circuit breakers and remove the DC power line fuses.

Waarschuwing Zorg dat de stroom van de gelijkstroomcircuits is verwijderd voordat u een van de volgende procedures verricht. Zoek naar de stroomonderbrekers of zekeringen op de wisselstroomleidingen die stroom leveren naar de gelijkstroomcircuits om te zorgen dat alle stroom verwijderd is. Zet de stroomonderbrekers van de gelijkstroomleiding UIT en verwijder de zekeringen van de gelijkstroomleiding.

Varoitus Ennen kuin suoritat mitään seuraavista toimenpiteistä, varmista, ettei tasasähköpiireissä ole virtaa.

Varmista virrattomuus etsimällä tasasähköpiireihin tulevissa tasasähkölinjoissa olevat virrankatkaisimet tai sulakkeet. Käännä tasasähkölinjan virrankatkaisimet POIS PÄÄLTÄ ja irrota tasasähkölinjan sulakkeet.

Attention Avant d'effectuer l'une des procédures suivantes, veillez à interrompre l'alimentation électrique des circuits de cc. Pour vérifier que tout le courant est bien désactivé, identifiez les coupe-circuits ou fusibles des lignes d'alimentation en cc qui desservent les circuits cc. Désactivez (position OFF) les coupe-circuits de la ligne d'alimentation en cc, puis retirez les fusibles de la ligne d'alimentation en cc.

Warnung Stellen Sie sicher, dass an den Gleichstromkreisen kein Strom anliegt, bevor Sie einen der folgenden Vorgänge durchführen. Ermitteln Sie die Schutzschalter oder Sicherungen an den Gleichstromleitungen, die die Gleichstromkreise beliefern, um sicherzugehen, dass kein Strom mehr anliegt. Schalten Sie die Schutzschalter der Gleichstromleitungen AUS, und entfernen Sie die Sicherungen aus der Gleichstromleitung.

Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch





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Contents This document includes the following sections Translated Safety Warnings Statement 17-Overtemperature WarningStatement 37-Restricted Area Warning Statement 39-Grounded Equipment Warning Statement 43-Jewelry Removal Warning Tatement 48-Stacking the Chassis Warning Statement 148-Installation Warning Statement 171-Ethernet Cable Shielding in Offices Statement 258-Fan Tray Removal Warning Statement 322-DC Power Off Warning Statement 1001-Work During Lightning Activity Statement 1004-Installation Instructions Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings 78-17361-02 Statement 1008-Class 1 Laser Product Statement 1012-Laser Beam Exposure Statement 1017-Restricted Area Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1030-Equipment Installation Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1040-Product Disposal Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1045-Short-Circuit Protection Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1046-Installing or Replacing the Unit Statement 1051-Laser Radiation Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings European Directives European Directives 78-17361-02 Specification Description Standards ComplianceNebs Class a Notice for Canada EMC Class a Notices and WarningsClass a Notice for FCC Statement 191-VCCI Class a Warning for JapanEMC Class a Notices and Warnings Obtaining Documentation Optional Cisco Product Security Overview Documentation FeedbackProduct Documentation DVD Ordering Documentation Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products Product Alerts and Field NoticesObtaining Technical Assistance Cisco Support WebsiteSubmitting a Service Request Definitions of Service Request SeverityObtaining Additional Publications and Information Obtaining Additional Publications and Information