Cisco Systems ME-C6524GS-8S Statement 171-Ethernet Cable Shielding in Offices

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Translated Safety Warnings

Attention Il est vivement recommandé de confier l'installation, le remplacement et la maintenance de ces équipements à des personnels qualifiés et expérimentés.

Warnung Das Installieren, Ersetzen oder Bedienen dieser Ausrüstung sollte nur geschultem, qualifiziertem Personal gestattet werden.

Avvertenza Questo apparato può essere installato, sostituito o mantenuto unicamente da un personale competente.

Advarsel Bare opplært og kvalifisert personell skal foreta installasjoner, utskiftninger eller service på dette utstyret.

Aviso Apenas pessoal treinado e qualificado deve ser autorizado a instalar, substituir ou fazer a revisão deste equipamento.

¡Advertencia! Solamente el personal calificado debe instalar, reemplazar o utilizar este equipo.

Varning! Endast utbildad och kvalificerad personal bör få tillåtelse att installera, byta ut eller reparera denna utrustning.

Statement 171—Ethernet Cable Shielding in Offices

Warning Ethernet cables must be shielded when used in a central office environment.

Waarschuwing Ethernetkabels dienen beveiligd te worden als ze in een centrale kantooromgeving worden gebruikt.

Varoitus Ethernet-kaapelit täytyy suojata, kun niitä käytetään yleisessä toimistoympäristössä.

Attention Pour une utilisation en site central, les câbles Ethernet doivent être impérativement blindés.

Warnung Ethernet-Kabel müssen abgeschirmt werden, wenn sie in einer Zentrale eingesetzt werden.

Avvertenza I cavi Ethernet devono essere schermati se utilizzati in un ambiente di ufficio centrale.

Advarsel Ethernet-kabler skal være skjermet når de brukes i et sentralt kontormiljø.

Aviso Os cabos “Ethernet” deverão estar armados quando usados em ambiente de escritório central.

¡Advertencia! Los cables Ethernet deben estar protegidos cuando se usen dentro de una oficina central.

Varning! Ethernetkablar måste vara avskärmade vid användning i central kontorsmiljö.

Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco ME 6500 Series Ethernet Switch





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Contents This document includes the following sections Translated Safety Warnings Statement 17-Overtemperature WarningStatement 37-Restricted Area Warning Statement 39-Grounded Equipment Warning Statement 43-Jewelry Removal Warning Tatement 48-Stacking the Chassis Warning Statement 148-Installation Warning Statement 171-Ethernet Cable Shielding in Offices Statement 258-Fan Tray Removal Warning Statement 322-DC Power Off Warning Statement 1001-Work During Lightning Activity Statement 1004-Installation Instructions Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings 78-17361-02 Statement 1008-Class 1 Laser Product Statement 1012-Laser Beam Exposure Statement 1017-Restricted Area Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1030-Equipment Installation Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1040-Product Disposal Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1045-Short-Circuit Protection Translated Safety Warnings Statement 1046-Installing or Replacing the Unit Statement 1051-Laser Radiation Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings Translated Safety Warnings European Directives European Directives 78-17361-02 Specification Description Standards ComplianceNebs EMC Class a Notices and Warnings Class a Notice for FCCClass a Notice for Canada Statement 191-VCCI Class a Warning for JapanEMC Class a Notices and Warnings Optional CautionsObtaining Documentation Product Documentation DVD Ordering Documentation Documentation FeedbackCisco Product Security Overview Reporting Security Problems in Cisco Products Product Alerts and Field NoticesObtaining Technical Assistance Cisco Support WebsiteSubmitting a Service Request Definitions of Service Request SeverityObtaining Additional Publications and Information Obtaining Additional Publications and Information