Chapter 1 • Introduction to the Matrix 3200/6400 Video Switcher
Matrix 3200 & 6400 Video Switcher System Overview
A Matrix 3200/6400 Video Switcher System may consist of 1 to 3 Matrix 3200 and/or Matrix 6400 Video BMEs (Basic Module Enclosures). Three video formats are supported, composite video,
One or more physical input connectors may be assigned as any Virtual input number, the same is true of the output connectors. Virtual input and output assignments are done through BME #0’s
Figure 1-5.A is an example of a Virtualized Matrix 3200 Video Switcher with 16 S-Video inputs and 4 S-Video outputs. The circles represent BNC connectors, the physical connector number is shown just outside each circle (one o’clock position). The Virtual assignment for each connector is shown inside the circle; for example, physical input connectors 1 and 2 are Virtual input #1 (Y1 and C1). If Virtual input #1 is tied (switched) to Virtual output #4, the YC video on physical input connectors 1 and 2 will be output to physical output connectors 7 and 8.
Blank Virtual Matrix work-sheets which may be copied and used to assist in Virtualizing a system are provided in Appendix A. The Matrix 3200/6400 System Virtualization/Control software may also be used to print maps which show the physical connectors to Virtual assignments and make it easy to cable a system.
A Matrix 3200/6400 System Virtualization/Control Software Tutorial with instructions for Virtualizing a system is provided in Chapter 3 of this manual.
Figure 1-5.A 32x8 Video Switcher BME virtualized for 16x4 S-Video matrix.
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