ask for service name, you can leave it blank or ignored it.
3.1.3 LAN Parameters
This configuration can help you to set up your LAN interface's IP address and its subnet mask.
IP Address - Your IP address in LAN interface.
Netmask - Subnet mask in your LAN interface.
3.1.4 Remote Control Parameters
ESG-103 provides some remote control features to help user's remote man- agement for ESG-103. In this configuration tags, you can set up a dedicated remote host to control your ESG-103, reject or accept "Ping" packets from the Internet, and set up the listening port of ESG-103's built-in web server.
Remote Control IP - ESG-103 can be managed by a dedicated host, which is located in anywhere in the Internet, if you fill a host's IP address into this input field. Please note that if you have configured this feature, you could not change your ESG-103 setting by any other
Chapter 3 Configuration - 11