Q-Logic IB0056101-00 G manual Installing Lustre, Installing QLogic MPI in an Alternate Location

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5 – Software Installation Additional Installation Instructions


Installing Lustre

This InfiniPath release supports Lustre. Lustre is a fast, scalable Linux cluster file system that interoperates with InfiniBand. To use Lustre, you need:

„A Linux kernel that is one of the supported kernels for this release, patched with Lustre-specific patches

„Lustre modules compiled for the above kernel

„Lustre utilities required for configuration

The InfiniPath Release Notes provide information about the Lustre patches. For general instructions on downloading, installing, and using Lustre, go to: http://www.lustre.org.

Installing QLogic MPI in an Alternate Location

QLogic MPI can be installed in an alternate installation location by using the --prefixoption with rpm. This option is useful for installations that support multiple concurrent MPIs, for other site-specific requirements, or for smooth integration of QLogic MPI with mpi-selector.

The mpi-selectorutility and QLogic MPI mpi-selectorregistration are provided by RPMs in the OtherMPIs directory.

When this option is used, the argument passed to --prefixreplaces the default /usr prefix: QLogic MPI binaries, documentation, and libraries are installed under that prefix. However, a few configuration files are installed in /etc regardless of the desired --prefix.

Additionally, installations that are maintained in alternate locations must ensure that the environment variable $MPICH_ROOT is always set to the same prefix that was used to install the RPMs with the --prefixoption. When set, the $MPICH_ROOT variable allows QLogic MPI to correctly locate header and library files for MPI compilation and running parallel jobs.


In InfiniPath 2.2, $MPICH_ROOT replaces the environment variable $INFINIPATH_ROOT, which is now deprecated. In InfiniPath 2.1, $INFINIPATH_ROOT assumed an RPM install --prefixof $INFINIPATH_ROOT/usr.


IB0056101-00 G

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Contents QLogic HCA and InfiniPath→ Software Install Guide QLogic HCA and InfiniPath→ Software Install Guide Version Document Revision HistoryTable of Contents Software Installation Installation Troubleshooting Configuration Files RPM Descriptions List of Figures Page Who Should Read this Guide How this Guide is OrganizedOverview Interoperability Conventions Used in this GuideTypographical Conventions Convention MeaningDocumentation Contact Information Support HeadquartersIntroduction Contact Information IB0056101-00 G QLogic Adapter Model Numbers What’s New in this ReleaseDescription New Features QLogic Model DescriptionInfiniPath/OpenFabrics Supported Distributions Kernels Supported Distributions and KernelsDistribution InfiniPath/OpenFabrics Supported Software Components Compiler SupportDistribution InfiniPath/OpenFabrics Supported Kernels „ Ofed SRP Feature Overview Software Components Step-by-Step Installation Checklist Hardware InstallationSoftware Installation Installing Software Using Rocks onStep-by-Step Installation Checklist Software Installation Page Hardware Installation Requirements HardwareAdapter Models and Related Platforms QLogic Platform Plugs IntoForm Factors QLogic InfiniBand Cables Cabling and SwitchesProduct Number Description Configuring the Bios Optical Fibre OptionSafety with Electricity Verify the Package ContentsList of the Package Contents Unpacking InformationHardware Installation Unpacking Information QLogic QLE7280 with IBA7220 Asic Unpacking the QLogic Adapter AsicDual Adapter Installation Installation StepsPCIe Slot in a Typical Motherboard QLogic PCIe HCA Assembly with Riser Card Hardware Installation for QHT7140 with HTX Riser Assembled PCIe HCA with RiserHTX Slot QLogic QHT7140 Adapter with Riser Card Assembled QHT7140 with Riser Hardware Installation for the QHT7140 Without an HTX Riser Switch Configuration and Monitoring Cabling the Adapter to the InfiniBand SwitchCompleting the Installation Cluster Setup Types of Nodes in a Cluster EnvironmentSupported Linux Distributions Setting Up Your EnvironmentInfiniPath/OpenFabrics Supported Distributions and Kernels Available Packages Choosing the Appropriate Download FilesPackage Description Comments Unpacking the InfiniPath tar File Check for Missing Files or RPMs Libibverbs-2.2-xxx.11.yyy.x8664.rpmInstalling the InfiniPath and OpenFabrics RPMs Distribution Used OnRhel4 Sles10Rpms to Install Choosing the RPMs to InstallIf you want to Then install Using rpm to Install InfiniPath and OpenFabrics PreparingInstalled Layout Starting the InfiniPath Service Configuring the InfiniPath Drivers InfiniPath and OpenFabrics Driver OverviewConfiguring the ipathether Network Interface Configuring the ibipath DriverIpathether Configuration on Red Hat Etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2 # QLogic Interconnect Ethernet DEVICE=eth2 BOOTPROTO=staticIpathether Configuration on Sles 00117504e011Etc/sysconfig/hardware/hwcfg-eth-id-$MAC Etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth2Etc/udev/rules.d/30-netpersistentnames.rules MODULE=ipathether STARTMODE=autoOpenFabrics Drivers and Services Configuration and Startup Configuring the IPoIB Network Interface Output from this command will be similar to thisEtc/sysconfig/infinipath. Change this line to Configuring and Administering the Vnic Interface00066a0130000001 Service 1 1000066a00000101 InfiniNIC.InfiniConSys.Data01 Etc/infiniband/qlgcvnic.cfgNAME=eioc1 IOCGUID=0x66A0137FFFFE7 # HEARTBEAT=100This example uses DGID, Iocguid and Iocstring # /etc/init.d/infinipath start # /etc/init.d/qlgcvnic start # /etc/init.d/qlgcvnic stop# ibqlgcvnicinfo OpenSMEtc/init.d/opensmd Using Ofed SRP 21000001ff040bf6# ibsrpdm -c # mkdir /mnt/targetname # mount /dev/sde1 /mnt/targetnameStarting and Stopping the InfiniPath Software Other Configuration Changing the MTU SizeMPI over uDAPL To check the configuration state, use the command Rebuilding or Reinstalling Drivers After a Kernel Upgrade Further Information on Configuring and Loading Drivers LED Link and Data IndicatorsLED Link and Data Indicators LED States IndicationAdapter Settings OffCustomer Acceptance Utility Hostname1 Hostname2Command Meaning Ipathcheckout OptionsAdditional Installation Instructions Uninstalling InfiniPath and OpenFabrics RPMsUninstalling Ofed 1.3 Software Removing Software PackagesInstalling Lustre Installing QLogic MPI in an Alternate LocationInstalling on an Unsupported Distribution /etc/redhat-release file or the /etc/SuSE-release fileManaging and Installing Software Using Rocks Usr/src/infinipath/drivers/build-guards.shInstalling Rocks and InfiniPath RPMs Use the following contents Software Installation Additional Installation Instructions Home/install/contrib/4.2.1/x8664/RPMS Further Information on Rocks and kickstart Page Hardware Issues Bios SettingsNode Spontaneously Reboots Some HTX Motherboards May Need Two or More CPUs in UseMtrr Mapping and Write Combining Edit Bios Settings to Fix Mtrr IssuesMtrr Mapping Discrete Issue with Supermicro H8DCE-HTe and QHT7040 Software Installation IssuesUse the ipathmtrr Script to Fix Mtrr Issues Version Number Conflict with opensm-*on RHEL5 Systems OpenFabrics DependenciesOpenFabrics Library Dependencies Rpm no packages given for eraseMissing Kernel RPM Errors Resolving Conflicts Mpirun Installation Requires 32-bit SupportLibgcc-3.4.3-9.EL4.i386.rpm Lockable Memory Error on Initial Installation of InfiniPath Ifup on ipathether on Sles 10 Reports unknown deviceGlibc-2.3.4-2.i686.rpm or glibc-2.3.4-2.i386.rpm Eth3 device QLogic Corp Unknown device 0010 revPage Table B-1. Configuration Files Configuration File Name DescriptionSample and Template Files Description InfiniPath and OpenFabrics RPMs Different Nodes May Use Different RPMsRPM Version Numbers and Identifiers Infinipath-2.2-33597.832rhel4qlc.x8664.rpmRPM Organization Documentation and InfiniPath RPMsTable C-1. InfiniPath Documentation/RPMs RPM Name Front End Compute DevelopmentTable C-3. InfiniPath-Devel/RPMs Table C-2. InfiniPath/RPMsContains ipathcheckout Ipathbug-helpera OpenFabrics RPMs Table C-4. InfiniPath-MPI/RPMsTable C-5. OpenFabrics Documentation/RPMs RPM Name CommentsDapl-utils-2.2-xxx.207.yyy.x8664.rpm Ib-bonding-2.2-xxx.090.yyy.x8664.rpmIbsim-2.2-xxx.04.yyy.x8664.rpm Ibutils-2.2-xxx.12.yyy.x8664.rpmLibibverbs-2.2-xxx.111.yyy.x8664.rpm Libibverbs-utils-2.2-xxx.111.yyy.x8664.rpmLibipathverbs-2.2-xxx.11.yyy.x8664.rpm Librdmacm-2.2-xxx.106.yyy.x8664.rpmTable C-7. OpenFabrics-Devel/RPMs Table C-8. OpenSM/RPMs Table C-9. Other HCAs/RPMsTable C-10. Other HCAs-Devel/RPMs Table C-11. OtherMPIs/RPMsRPM Name Front Comput EndRPM Name Front Comput Developme End Openmpiintel-2.2-xxx.125.yyy.x8 Openmpipathscale-2.2-xxx.125.yyOpenmpipgi-2.2-xxx.125.yyy.x86 Qlogic-mpi-regisRPM Descriptions OpenFabrics RPMs IB0056101-00 G Index Help Openssh Openssh-server 5-3 Optical media converters No packages given for erase warning message A-4 Verbose Page Page Camberley Surrey, GU16 7ER UK +44 0 1276 804