NPort Device Servers
Traditional SCADA and data collection systems rely on serial prots
NPort is an external
In addition to providing socket access, NPort also comes with a Real COM/TTY driver that transmits all serial signals intact. This means that your existing
Three different Socket Modes are available: TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP Server/Client. The main difference between the TCP and UDP protocols is that TCP guarantees delivery of data by requiring the recipient to send an acknowledgement to the sender. UDP does not require this type of verification, making it possible to offer speedier delivery. UDP also allows multicasting of data to groups of IP addresses.
Pictures in this Chapter will use NPort 5400 series as an example.
TCP Server Mode
In TCP Server mode, NPort provides a unique IP:Port address on a TCP/IP network. NPort waits passively to be contacted by the host computer, allowing the host computer to establish a connection with and get data from the serial device. This operation mode also supports up to 4 simultaneous connections, so that multiple hosts can collect data from the same serial
As illustrated in the figure, data transmission proceeds as follows:
1.The host requests a connection from the NPort configured for TCP Server Mode.
2.Once the connection is established, data can be transmitted in both