What is IP Serial Library?
IP Serial Library is a Windows library with frequently used serial command sets and subroutines. IP Serial Library is designed to reduce the complexity and poor efficiency of serial communication over TCP/IP. For example, Telnet can only transfer data, but it can't monitor or configure the serial line's parameters.
Why Use IP Serial Library?
For programmers who are familiar with serial communication, IP Serial Library provides
IP Serial Library is amazingly simple and easy to understand. By including it in your VB, C, or Delphi programming environment, you can program your own TCP/IP application with the ability to control serial communication parameters.
NPort Serial Device Servers use 2 TCP ports for communication between the NPort and host computer's Real COM driver. NPort uses a data port and command port to provide pure data transfer without decode and encode. Compared to using only one TCP port to control serial communication (such as RFC 2217), IP Serial Library uses a command port to communicate with NPort in user's program. IP Serial Library not only runs with excellent efficiency but also runs without any decode or encode problems.
How to install IP Serial Library?
IP Serial Lib comes with the NPort Administration Suite. Refer to the IPSerial directory for more detail about the function definitions.