C H A P T E R 2
Environmental Monitoring
The Netra CP2500 board uses an intelligent fault detection environmental monitoring system that increases uptime and manageability of the board. The system management controller (SMC) module on the Netra CP2500 supports the temperature and voltage environmental monitoring functions. This chapter describes the specific environmental monitoring functions of the Netra CP2500.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■“Environmental Monitoring Component Compatibility” on page 24
■“Typical Environmental Monitoring System Application” on page 24
■“Typical Cycle From Power Up to Shutdown” on page 26
■“Hardware Environmental Monitoring Functions” on page 28
■“Adjusting the Environmental Monitoring Warning, Critical, and Shutdown Parameter Settings on the Board” on page 32
■“OpenBoot PROM Environmental Monitoring” on page 33
■“Environmental Monitoring Application Programming” on page 34