The environmental monitoring parameter values in the application program apply when the system is running at the Solaris level and do not necessarily have to be the same as the default settings programmed by the SMC and used by the OpenBoot PROM. The OpenBoot PROM environmental monitoring only applies when the system is running at the OpenBoot PROM level.
Reading Temperature Sensor States Using the
Temperature sensor states may be read using the libpicl API. The following properties are supported in a PICL temperature sensor class node:
TABLE 2-4 PICL Temperature Sensor Class Node Properties
Property | Type | Description |
LowWarningThreshold | INT | Low threshold for warning |
LowShutdownThreshold | INT | Low threshold for shutdown |
LowPowerOffThreshold | INT | Low threshold for power off |
HighWarningThreshold | INT | High threshold for warning |
HighShutdownThreshold | INT | High threshold for shutdown |
HighPowerOffThreshold | INT | High threshold for power off |
Threshold levels of the PICL node class temperature sensor are:
■Power Off
To obtain a reading of temperature sensor states, use the prtpicl
Sample PICL output of temperature sensors on a Netra CT system is as follows.
:Condition ok
:HighPowerOffThreshold 123