User Flash User Interface Structure
The user flash user interface structure holds user parameters to commands such as erase.
CODE EXAMPLE 3-2 User Flash Interface Structure
*uflash user interface structure.
typedef struct { |
int | blk_num; |
int | num_of_blks; |
uflash_info_t | info; | /* to be filled by the |
driver */ |
} uflash_if_t; |
EINVAL | Application passed one or more incorrect arguments to the system |
| call. |
EACCESS | Write or Erase operation was attempted on a locked block. |
ECANCELLED | A hardware malfunction has been detected. Normally, retrying the |
| command should fix this problem. If the problem persists, power |
| cycling the system might be necessary. |
ENXIO | This error indicates problems with the driver state. Power cycle of |
| the system or reinstallation of driver may be necessary. |
EFAULT | An error was encountered when copying arguments between the |
| application and driver (kernel) space. |
ENOMEM | System was low on memory when the driver attempted to acquire it. |
EBUSY | A write operation is already in progress when more than one |
| write requests are made. |
Example Programs
Example programs are provided in this section for the following actions on user flash device:
Chapter 3 User Flash 47