C H A P T E R 3
User Flash
This chapter describes the user flash driver for the onboard flash PROM and how to use it. The Netra CP2500 is equipped with user flash memory. This chapter includes the following sections:
■“User Flash Usage and Implementation” on page 43
■“User Flash Driver” on page 44
■“Application Programming Interface” on page 45
■“Example Programs” on page 47
User Flash Usage and Implementation
You can use the flash memory for various purposes, such as storage for RTOS, user data storage, and OpenBoot PROM information. The Netra CP2500 has a 16Mbyte flash that is logically divided into two parts: 2Mbytes for the system/boot flash and 14Mbytes for the user flash.
The main OpenBoot PROM image and a backup copy of the image are stored in the system flash. If the OpenBoot PROM is corrupted, you can boot the OpenBoot PROM from the backup copy to get a good OpenBoot PROM image back into the system flash. On a Netra CP2500, the SW3301 dip switch on the board itself can be changed to allow you to boot from the backup copy. Refer to the Netra CP2500 Installation and Technical Reference Manual for information on this dip switch.