C H A P T E R 1
Product Description
This chapter describes the Sun StorEdge FC-100 Hub and Gigabit Interface
Converters (GBICs).
1.1Sun StorEdge FC-100 Hub
The hub is a seven-port connection point for Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loops (FC-ALs). Ports are connected using GBICs. Each port receives serial data from a remote node and retransmits that data out the next port to the next node in the loop. Each reception includes data regeneration (both signal timing and amplitude) supporting full distance optical links.
The GBIC is compliant with the Gigabit Interface Converter specification and can be hot-plugged into the hub. Removal of a GBIC from the hub causes the automatic bypass of that port. Active ports continue to operate normally with no degradation of system performance. Conversely, a GBIC plugged in the hub connected with a fiber optic cable to an active node automatically becomes a node on the loop.
Missing or inoperative nodes are detected and bypassed by the hub. Data is automatically routed to the next operational port and node in the loop. LED indicators provide status information to service personnel to indicate whether the port is active or bypassed.
The following conditions will cause the bypass of a port:
■Converter transmitter fault
■Loss of received signal amplitude
■Absence of a GBIC
■Off-frequency data, excessive jitter, or inadequate edge transition density