Sun Microsystems FC-100 service manual

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xviii Sun StorEdge FC-100 Hub Installation and Service Manual • September 1998

Image 18 Sun Microsystems FC-100 service manual
Contents Sun StorEdge FC-100 Hub Installation and Service Manual Page Regulatory Compliance Statements FCC Class a NoticeFCC Class B Notice DOC Class a Notice Avis DOC, Classe a DOC Class B Notice Avis DOC, Classe BSafety Agency Compliance Statements Einhaltung sicherheitsbehördlicher Vorschriften Gehäuseabdeckung SymbolesConformité aux normes de sécurité Einhaltung der Richtlinien für LaserNormativas de seguridad Ubicación de un producto Sun SímbolosModificaciones en el equipo Cumplimiento de la normativa SelvGOST-R Certification Mark Aviso de cumplimiento con requisitos de láserSafety Declaration of ConformitySupplementary Information Page Contents Installing a Gbic Removing a Gbic Removing a Hub Using Unix Commands PrefaceTypographic Conventions Shell PromptsRelated Documentation Sun Documentation on the WebSun Welcomes Your Comments Page Product Description Sun StorEdge FC-100 HubAC power LED Gbic 3GBIC That Does Not Have a BailPage Rackmount Placement This chapter describes how to install the hub in a cabinetInspecting the Hub Tools You Will Need Installing the HubInstalling the Mounting Tray in the Cabinet Preparing the CabinetInstall the tray in the cabinet Figure Installing the Hub on the Mounting Tray 2Installing the Hub on a Mounting TrayInstalling GBICs and Fiber Optic Cables Choose the hub port into which you will install the GbicRouting the Power Cord Connect the fiber optic cable to the GbicVerifying the Configuration Troubleshooting Reassembling the CabinetService Installing a Gbic1Installing a Gbic That Does Not Have a Bail Slot Bail Removing a Gbic 3Removing a Gbic That Does Not Have a Bail4Removing a Gbic That Has a Bail Removing a Hub 5Removing the HubSpecifications PhysicalElectrical Environmental