Set Wserver Timeout
When selecting this menu item, the display shows the current webserver timeout period and offers optional values to change it to.
Figure 17- Wserver Timeout Period
The currently selected value is highlighted. Move the highlight (using the arrow keys) to the desired timeout value and press <Enter> to apply the value. An alternative method of selection is to press the number key that corresponds to the desired timeout value.
Available timeout period values include: 1,5,10,15, or 30 minutes, and 1,2,5, or 8 hours. The default timeout period is 1 hour.
To exit, press <Esc>.
Adjust Contrast
When selecting this menu item, the display shows a scroll bar with the current position of the LCD display contrast value. The user can change the contrast value using an arrow key from the Keypad. Pressing the up arrow will increase contrast while pressing down arrow will decrease it. The scroll bar will move according to the contrast value and the effects of contrast adjustments will be immediately visible on the LCD display.
Figure 18- Adjust LCD contrast
After adjusting the contrast the user can press <Enter> to store the new contrast value, or press <Esc> to return the contrast to its original value.
Video Adjustment
This allows the user to force a connection to an output and initiate the video quality adjustment to assure the image on the monitor is as clear as possible. This is useful when a CAT5 cable is changed without first switching the connection in the VEEMUX. Otherwise an automatic video quality adjustment is made whenever a new connection (Input to Output) is established and whenever VEEMUX is powered ON.
Show Size
This menu item allows the users to see the number of inputs and outputs available for the switch and the status of the webserver.
Displaying Audio Level (Digital VU-Meter)
To display the dynamic audio level (volume) of one of the outputs, the user should press <Esc> from the normal display mode (connection status). The following window will display the decibel level of left and right audio channels. The rightmost gradation on the scale corresponds to 0dB, and the leftmost
Figure 19- View Output audio level
To display the audio output level of a different Output port, type the number of the desired Output (1 or 2 digits) and press <Enter>.