3. Installing OpenLane on Windows
Obtaining the License Key
An OpenLane license key is required to install OpenLane. You can request a temporary license key from the Paradyne Web site at www.paradyne.com/pdn/key.
Installing from Paradyne’s Web Site
1.Log on to the Windows system as an administrator.
2.Obtain a license key and the OpenLane software from www.paradyne.com/pdn/key.
3.Save the setup.exe file in C:\temp or any directory you choose.
4.Exit your Web browser if it is running.
5.Run the setup.exe file.
6.Follow the instructions on each screen, with these exceptions:
—If you are upgrading a version of OpenLane 5:
Do not remove the old version of OpenLane when prompted. Select Continue.
—If you are installing OpenLane 5 for the first time:
Do not use the default Apache installation directory. Specify instead:
Do not restart the computer if prompted to do so during the Apache portion of the installation.
January 2002 |