A. OLCmd Reference
OLCmd uhread
The uhread command starts and stops the User History Reader (UHReader) from a command line. It can be used to process user history records automatically during periods of low network activity.
OLCmd uhread -c command [-n poller-name ]
Where: |
| Specifies the action to be taken. command may be |
| one of: |
| singleRead – Reads all collected user history |
| poll files, then halts |
| run – Runs UHReader until the shutdown |
| command is issued |
| shutdown – Shuts down UHReader if it is |
| Trunning |
| status – Shows the status of UHReader |
| Optionally specifies the poller domain to read from |
| when the singleRead or run command is issued. If |
| no poller domain is specified, all poller domains |
| are read. |
The following command causes UHReader to read all collected user history poll files, then stop:
OLCmd uhread -c singleRead
| January 2002 |