Paradyne SLM 5.5 manual Url

Page 81

A. OLCmd Reference

Advanced Parameters:


Specifies the database connection URL in raw form. It


may contain $host$, which gets replaced by the host, and


$dbname$, which gets replaced by the database name


when the connection is made.


Specifies the name of the JDBC driver from the database


vendor. It must be in the classpath for connections to




Specifies the vendor-specific JDBC error number to ignore


for duplicate keys. If not set or correct, duplicate key


warnings are logged.


Specifies the filename of file that maps internal statistic


names to the database schema.


Specifies the filename of file that contains raw SQL for the


database schema/vendor.


Specifies the filename of file that defines and maps


calculations to the database schema.


Specifies the filename of file that maps MIB OIDs to the


database schema.


Specifies the feed class name for feeding user history


statistics to a database.


Specifies the age class name for aging user history


statistics in a database.


To change the default database to Oracle and set the database parameters, enter the command:

OLCmd dbconfig '-d o -m -n mydb -u myself -p mypassword'


January 2002


Image 81
Contents OpenLane SLM Copyright 2002 Paradyne Corporation All rights reserved Contents Installing OpenLane on Windows Configuring Distributed ComponentsApache User Access Authentication OpenLane Maintenance Building and Using a Firmware LibraryAdding Devices and Customer Profiles Using XML to Produce Reports OLCmd ReferenceIndex About This Guide Document Purpose and Intended AudienceDocument Summary Library → Technical Manuals Product-Related DocumentsIntroduction to OpenLane SLM Easy InstallationOpenLane SLM Network MonitoringOpenLane Features Installing OpenLane on Solaris Planning the InstallationAbout These Instructions Installation Requirements Minimum Hardware RequirementsSoftware Requirements Checking the Java Runtime Environment Version ProcedureUninstalling Performance Wizard Uninstalling DCE ManagerDCEinstall Cd /opt/OV/pdn/PerfWiz UnInstallToOVOpenLane Installation Program Opt/apacheOpt/pdn/OpenLane Obtaining a License Key Installing from Paradyne’s Web Site Setup.shUser = nobody Group = nobody Installing from FTP Files Installing from CD-ROMInstalling the Permanent License Key Installing Remotely UsingExport DISPLAY=localhostname0.0 Setenv Display localhostname0.0Migration to Current Release for Oracle Locating the License Key On an Installed SystemDisplaying the License Key Expiration Date OLCmd keyStopping OpenLane Web and Database Services Starting OpenLane Web and Database ServicesConfiguring Apache to Use a Different Port Installing OpenLane on Solaris January Installing OpenLane on Windows MHz Processor Web Client Software Requirements Cd \opt\OV\pdn\PerfWiz uninstalltoov \Program Files\Apache Group\Apache \opt\apache\opt\pdn\OpenLane Procedure Cd \opt\pdn\OpenLane Migration to Current Release for Oracle Starting OpenLane Web and Database Services Stopping OpenLane Web and Database Services Http//olserver.com8080/openlane Installing OpenLane on Windows January OpenLane Distributed Components Configuring Distributed ComponentsOpenLane in /opt/pdn/OpenLane Setting Up Web Server DistributionSolaris Http// Operational NotesDistributed Poller/Reader Management Server Setup Setting Up the Distributed Poller and ReaderCd /opt/pdn/OpenLane OLControl stop Cd /opt/pdn/OpenLane/uhpoller mkdir pollerpoller1OLCmd Dbconfig ‘-m’ OLCmd Dbconfig ‘-m’Cd /opt/pdn/OpenLane OLControl start OLCmd logsvcDistributed Poller/Reader Poller/Reader Setup DOMAIN=defaultREADERDOMAIN=default OLControl stop User Access Authentication Apache User Access AuthenticationConfiguring Http Challenge/Response Cd /opt/apache Solaris cd \opt\apache WindowsChange to the /opt/apache/bin Solaris or c\opt\apache\bin \opt\pdn\OpenLane Windows Removing a User’s AccessOLCmd confauth on OLCmd confauth offApache User Access Authentication January Adding Devices and Customer Profiles Accessing the OpenLane Web ApplicationsAdding a Device AdminNew Device Field Names Field Description Adding a Customer Profile 7800-A2-GB32-00 January Adding Devices and Customer Profiles Task Importance Ideal Frequency OpenLane MaintenanceOracle Database Backing Up OpenLane FilesBacking Up OpenLane Under Solaris Gzip -d /backupdir/backup.tar.gz tar xvf backup.tarRestoring OpenLane Under Solaris Opt/pdn/OpenLane/dataRestoring OpenLane Under Windows Backing Up OpenLane Under WindowsFrequency Deleting Older Records from the DatabaseGenerating Scheduled Reports Using Cron Under Solaris to Automate ReportsAutomating the Generation of Scheduled Reports Cd /opt/pdn/OpenLane OLCmd processreportsCd \opt\pdn\OpenLane OLCmd processreports Using AT under Windows to Automate ReportsRebuilding Oracle Database Indexes Monitoring Log Files Apache Log FilesSQL Database Log File OLCmd clean logs .log Archiving and Deleting Log FilesLegacy Logger Log Files Click on Click here to schedule the tasks Uploading ConfigurationsOpenLane Maintenance January Building a Firmware Library Building and Using a Firmware LibraryVersion=filename 01.02.01=R010201.ocdNew Device Models Not Supported by OpenLane Model=directory9880=fw9880 Dbm Model=devicetypeDslaan DslasnDownloading and Activating Firmware Building and Using a Firmware Library Building and Using a Firmware Library January OLCmd Reference OLCmd Helps Cd \opt\pdn\openlane olcmd confauth onOlcmd viewlog -h OLCmd addcust Rent-a-PhoneGmbH Rent-a-PhoneUSA OLCmd addcust -a realtime -c ExactCorporationOLCmd assigndev OLCmd assigndev -c ExactCorporation -aOLCmd assigndev -c ExactCorporation -l exactdevices.txt OLCmd chgrawfileext OLCmd chgrawfileext -o raw -e ftpOLCmd chgrawfileext -d dallas -o bad -e raw OLCmd clean \opt\apache\logs .log 21 admin OLCmd cleanOLCmd confauth on off OLCmd confauthOLCmd dbage OLCmd dbconfig -d c o -a instance -l -h OLCmd dbconfigUrl OLCmd dbcopy d OracleStatsDB OLCmd dbcopyOLCmd dbip OLCmd dbip addressOLCmd dbip Databaseinstance OLCmd dbrollIpaddress OLCmd dbroll -e 20010101000000 -rOLCmd delcust OLCmd delcust -ccustomer -lcustomer-listOLCmd delcust -l ex-customers.txt OLCmd deldev OLCmd deldev ipaddressOLCmd deldev OLCmd dumpldap host OLCmd dumpldapOLCmd importldif OLCmd importldif -h host ldiffileLdiffile OLCmd key OLCmd key licensekeyOLCmd key WZBCK-AAM6E-U898Q-MX5HK OLCmd ldapmodify -D c=US -w admin -a -c data/new.ldif OLCmd ldapmodifyOLCmd OLCmd ldapsearch OLCmd ldapsearch -n-D bindDN -w password -h host -p portDebuglevel OLCmd logsvc ipaddress OLCmd logsvcDate date OLCmd processreportsEnddate enddate OLCmd processreports -date 05/13/2001 -customer ExactCorpOLCmd snmpget communityname ipaddress objectid OLCmd snmpgetObjectid OLCmd snmpget snmptest Ipaddress Is the address of the device to be accessedOLCmd snmptest ipaddress communityname OLCmd snmptest nmswriteOLCmd sync OLCmd sync Command OLCmd uhread -ccommand -npoller-nameOLCmd uhread Poller-nameOLCmd unassigndev OLCmd unassigndev -c ExactCorporation -aOLCmd unassigndev -c ExactCorporation -l exactdevices.txt OLCmd viewlog UHLister Poller Controller Firmware/Configuration/Feature MaintenanceUHReader Database Reader OLCmd viewlog -f fi -sd 05/07/2000 -ed 05/13/2000 UHReaderXmlrequestfile OLCmd xmlreportXmloutputfile XsltransformfileOLCmd Reference January Using XML to Produce Reports Command Line Interface OLCmd xmlreportXML Reports Writing an Interface to the Servlet Servlet Interface SlvXmlServletOpt/pdn/OpenLane/OLServlets/pdn.webcgi.SlvXmlServlet Opt/pdn/OpenLane/samples/xml/reports/xmlentry.html. You canAdditional Resources XML and XSL ExamplesOpt/pdn/OpenLane/samples/xml/reports/DeviceReports/Requests Opt/pdn/OpenLane/samples/xml/reports/DeviceReports/ReportsUsing XML to Produce Reports January IN-1 IndexIN-2 IN-3 IN-4