A. OLCmd Reference
OLCmd xmlreport
The xmlreport command generates OpenLane reports based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML) report requests, and optionally transforms the output based on an eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) file. For more information, see Appendix B, Using XML to Produce Reports.
OLCmd xmlreport xml_request_file [xml_output_file ] [xsl_transform_file ] [transformed_out_file ]
Where: |
xml_request_file | Is the full path to the file containing the report |
| request in XML. |
xml_output_file | Is the full path of file where the XML output should |
| reside. If not specified, output goes to Standard |
| Out. |
xsl_transform_file | Is the full path of an XSLT file. This is optional. |
transformed_out_file | Is the full path of the output file from the XSL |
| transformation. If not specified, output goes to a file |
| named <xml_output_file>.xml. |
The following command generates a report. The report request is in the file named request1234.xml, and the report is written to a file named report_10122001.html.
OLCmd \opt\pdn\openlane\cust_requests\request1234.xml \opt\pdn\openlane\xmlreports\report_10122001.html
| January 2002 |