| Web Smart Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide |
4.6.2 Port-Based Priority
Four priority classes (lowest, lower, higher and highest) are available for a switch port in
4.6.3 Port Default Priority
If IEEE802.1p priority mode is configured, when a switch port receives an untagged frame (a frame without priority tag), the port's default priority tag will be inserted into the frame before any other process.
4.6.4 802.1p Priority
In IEEE802.1p priority mode, all packets are classified into four priority classes (lowest, lower, higher and highest) according to the embedded priority tag. If an untagged frame is received, the default priority tag of the port will be attached.
4.7 Port Mirroring
Port mirroring monitors and mirrors network traffic by forwarding copies of incoming and outgoing packets from one port to a monitoring port. Port mirroring enables switch performance monitoring.
Network administrators can configure port mirroring by selecting a specific port from which to copy all packets, and other ports to which the packets copied.
4.8 Virtual Cable Test
The virtual cable test feature uses Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) to test