to network failures or events in a short time post a great challenge to network administrators. How to easily manage and monitor network devices across networks has become more and more important in network management. Figure 1 presents the main elements of the system architecture. As an Element Management System (EMS), NetAtlas provides a centralized remote management platform and acts as an SNMPc manager to perform network configuration, system management, event/alarm management, performance management and security for all ZyXEL’s Ethernet switches. SNMPc is a network management software produced by Castle Rock that constantly probes the network element (NE) and collects information from these NE for the EMS. Running in the background to provide queries for the EMS is PostgreSQL, an enterprise relational database system
Figure 1 System Architecture
SNMPc Overview
The following figure shows the main screen elements of SNMPc.
zMain Button Bar: Button and controls to execute commands quickly
zEdit Button Bar: Button to quickly insert map element
zEvent Log Tool: Button display filtered event log entries
zView Window Area: Map View, Mib Tables and Mib Graph windows are displayed here.
zView Window Area: Map View, Mib Tables and Mib Graph windows.
Figure 2 Main elements of SNMPc
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