Chapter 1 Setting Up the CoreModule 420
Using this Guide
This guide provides the most efficient way to set up your CoreModule 420 single board computer (SBC). The instructions provided in this guide include:
•Removing the CoreModule 420 from the shipping container and inventorying the accessories
•Connecting cables to the CoreModule 420
•Connecting the peripherals, boot devices, and power supply to the CoreModule 420
•Powering up the CoreModule 420
Information not provided in this QuickStart Guide includes:
•CoreModule 420 SBC Specifications
•Environmental requirements
•CoreModule 420 connector/pin numbers and definitions
•Supplied software use and programming considerations
The following peripherals and devices are needed to make full use of the CoreModule 420.
•Peripherals (Customer provided):
♦Keyboard (PS/2 Adapter provided in QuickStart Kit)
♦PS/2 Mouse
♦CRT Monitor
•Power Supply (Customer provided):
♦AT or +5V power supply – Typically, an AT power supply is required to provide power to the CoreModule 420 SBC and its associated peripherals and boot devices.
•Boot Devices (one or more - Customer provided):
♦Floppy Disk drive (adapter cable provided by Ampro)
♦IDE hard disk drive
♦CompactFlash card (may be provided by Ampro)
•Optional Devices/Connections (Customer provided):
♦TFT Flat Panel and custom cable
♦Ethernet connection
♦USB Devices
What’s in the Box
Refer to the QuickStart Kit Contents Sheet for a list of the items in the shipping container.
CoreModule 420 | QuickStart Guide | 1 |