22 en Configuring the system | 1200 and 1400 Series iSCSI Disk Arrays |
4.Click Browse, browse to the %windir%\System32 folder, and then click Wintarget.exe. Click Open and then click Next.
5.Click Allow the connection, and then click Next.
6.Select the network locations that should be bound to this rule (the default is Domain, Private, and Public). Click Next.
7.Under Name, type a descriptive name for the rule. For example, type Microsoft iSCSI Software Target Service for the program rule for Wintarget.exe. Click Finish.
To add an inbound filter rule for a port:
1.Open Windows Firewall with Advanced Security. In Server Manager, expand Configuration, expand Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, and then click Inbound Rules.
2.In the Actions pane, click New Rule.
3.Under What type of rule would you like to create, click Port, and then click Next.
4.Select the protocol for this rule, either TCP or UDP. Under Does this rule apply to all local ports or specific local ports, click Specific local ports and type in the appropriate port number.
5.Click Allow the connection, and then click Next.
6.Select the network locations that should be bound to this rule (the default is Domain, Private, and Public). Click Next.
7.Under Name, type a descriptive name for the rule. For example, type Remote Procedure
Call for the RPC communication on TCP port 135. Click Finish.
To configure Window Firewall settigs from command line with the following sample script:
1.netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Microsoft iSCSI Software Target
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Microsoft iSCSI Software Target
Doc V1 2010.09 | Software Manual | Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH |